The Full Story
The Ashland Christian Health Center (ACHC), established on August 19, 2003, is staffed by volunteers who are committed to two guiding principles:
Good medical care takes care of more than physical health; it takes care of the whole person-- body, mind, and spirit.
Jesus cares for more than just the spirit of people. He cares for the whole person-- body, mind, and spirit.
2021-still aligned with all God has planned for ACHC
​Vision: All residents of Ashland area will have access to high quality healthcare for their body, mind and spirit.
Mission: The Ashland Christian Health Center exists to holistically care for and elevate the dignity of Ashland area residents who are uninsured or underinsured, in a Christ-centered atmosphere.
Purpose - The purpose of the Ashland Christian Health Center is to:
1. Provide excellent holistic healthcare treating one another with dignity and glory to God.
2. Point those we serve to Jesus Christ as the source of healing and hope in all of our lives.
3. Identify gaps in the provision of holistic health care for Ashland Area residents with limited resources.
3. Develop programs consistent with our beliefs to fill these gaps. We will work cooperatively with other organizations in the community.
Beliefs - At ACHC we believe:
In the Triune God who exists eternally as Father, Son and Spirit. The Father created us and sent His beloved Son to redeem us because he loved us. Jesus the Son, in love became human in order to pay the penalty for our sin and now lives to plead for us before the throne of grace. The Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in everyone who believes in Jesus as our needed Savior. The Spirit empowers us to live lives full of love, joy and peace.
In the entire Bible as God’s authoritative revelation of Himself, His ways, and His provision to enable us to relate to a Holy God as intimate friend. In the Bible we find the truths below:
The dignity of all humans is rooted in the fact that we were created in the image of God. Therefore, all are worthy of respect, love, and high quality care. It is our privilege to care for others.
In Jesus Christ we have an identity as a beloved child of the Father.
Jesus came to give us a life that is more full, more significant, more free, and more pleasurable than our wildest imaginings. This life is found more in our relationship with Him than in anything He can give us.
Every good thing that we have, that we are, and that we hope to be has been given to us as a gift from God. Because of this grace we have no reason for pride or despair.
Any sickness – whether physical, emotional, or social – is the result of sin, which is rebellion of humans against the wisdom and authority of the Triune God. This does not mean that every sickness is the result of personal sin in one’s life, but that every sickness does stem from the reality of sin in the world. In His wise purposes, God subjected the creation to futility for His glory and our good. One day he will make all things right. In the meantime, any particular sickness may be the result of our choices, the choices of others, or the effects of sin’s curse on all creation.
There are spiritual causes for the illness and brokenness in our world that can only be discerned and healed by a prayerful relationship with God.
All healing comes from the merciful and gracious work of God. Our only hope and our sure hope to be fully healed is in the reconciliation of our relationship with the Triune God through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Ashland Christian Health Center is a non-profit 501(c)3 faith-based organization. ACHC is a ministry of the people of the churches of Ashland County. Our volunteers use their gifts and abilities as physicians, nurses, and support personnel. These volunteers are dedicated to serving the whole person just as Christ loves us.